Solar Savings Calculator


Roof Pitch (Variation from horizontal):

How steep is your roof in degrees? 0 for flat roof, goes up to 90

Roof Orientation (variation from south):

South is 0, North is 180, East is 90, West is 90

Electricity cost (pence per kwh):

Domestic around 28p to 34p

Output of requested solar system (kWh):

Depending on space, this is typically from 4 to 16 in domestic systems

Your Results...

Additional Info

Please note that our calculator is just a guide. It is based on irradiance data which shows the amount of sunlight in given areas in the past. And it goes without saying that the past performance of the sun is not a guarantee of its future performance in a given area.

However, we do find that having a guide like this can help you to make a more informed decision on your solar system.

There are certain assumptions built into the calculator. Limitations of the calculator include the inability to account for shading, and the fact that it is based on historical data.

In order to overcome these limitations, it is best to book a visit. The first step is filling out our Fast Track Assessment.

Fast-Track Assessment

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