Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Turn your business energy into an asset by switching to solar

Instant ROI using business finance

Following vast improvements in solar technology in recent years, solar PV for your business premises has never been a better idea.

Using solar, you could vastly reduce your business electricity bill, and potentially even make it cash-flow positive from day one using one of our finance providers.

In order to achieve the best returns from your green energy investment, it is best to consult with experts who can advise you on how to make the most of this technology in conjunction with your unique situation and your business goals.

Get started with a free consultation, where we can give you an estimated price and design – along with a comprehensive report detailing your estimated savings on recommended solutions.

Why Solar?

Energy prices are out of control. And although the government have taken steps to partially mitigate the effect on consumers – Many business owners feel like they have been left out in the cold. Indeed, there are some protections in place for small and medium businesses, but the only way you can be sure to protect yourself and your business is by taking matters into your own hands and investing in the future of your business.

One of the best ways that you can protect yourself from a spiralling energy overhead is with the installation of solar panels. In recent years, solar panels have become more and more affordable and more efficient. So there has never been a better time to start saving with solar!

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Our Process

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Consultation & Draft Design
Consultation & Draft Design
Assessment & Full Design
Assessment & Full Design
Finance (Optional)
Finance (Optional)
Permits & Installation
Permits & Installation
Customer Aftercare
Customer Aftercare
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Consultation & Draft Design
Consultation & Draft Design

We begin with a phone or in-person consultation where we discuss your goals and help you to find the most suitable solutions for your situation. So whether you're more focused on reducing your carbon footprint or you're looking at it as more of a financial investment, we'll help you to make the most of it. We'll use this information to draft a design of your installation along with estimated pricing.

Assessment & Full Design
Assessment & Full Design

We will survey your premises to refine the draft design and assess your layout and setup to create a more complete specification of your project. This includes taking measurements, and planning the routes for wiring and any other supplementary work that may need to to take place for a streamlined project. By the end of this stage, we can give you a more accurate quote.

Finance (Optional)
Finance (Optional)

Now that you have been quoted a price, we have a finance option available.

Permits & Installation
Permits & Installation

Many of the services we offer will require certain permits and paperwork to be carried out. For example, if you intend to sell your generated power to the grid, you will need permission. We can help you to complete this paperwork. Once this is done, we can carry out the installation. This is followed by an inspection to ensure your work meets our high standards.

Customer Aftercare
Customer Aftercare

Once your project is complete, we can carry out periodic inspections to make sure your equipment continues to run smoothly and efficiently. The equipment and work are covered by guarantees for your peace of mind.

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Use the simple form below so that we can assess your needs, advise you on your project, and give you a fair price estimate. Alternatively, you can email us at

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